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Student Biographical Information

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Please review Acceptable Student Biographical Documentation before submitting your request through the Secure System. 

Students may update or correct their biographical information. Students must review and upload the correct acceptable student biographical documentation before submitting the request through the Secure System. If the student is currently in the admissions process, contact the Office of Admissions to have their biographical information updated.

Secure System

All documentation must be submitted in English. Non-English documentation must be translated by an appropriate entry.

Processing time is 3-5 working days. 


  • Submit request and documentation through the Secure System. 
  • If correct documentation is submitted, the request will be approved. 
  • If the documentation is not correct, the request will be denied. The student will be required to submit a new request with the correct acceptable documentation. 
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Acceptable Student Biographical Documentation


Students are required to upload two documents: 

  1. Document with previous name
  2. Document with new/current name

Acceptable documents include: 

  • Marriage License
  • Divorce Decree
  • Approved Court Order
  • Valid Passport
  • Certificate of Citizenship
  • Signed Social Security Card
  • Current Driver's License

Social Security Number (SSN)

  • Signed Social Security Card 

Note: Name on the Social Security Card MUST match student's name in the student system.

Individual Tax Number (ITIN)

  • IRS ITIN Card/Letter

Note: Name on Card/Letter MUST match student's name in the student system.

Date of Birth

  • Birth Certificate
  • Driver's License
  • Valid Passport


  • Approved Court Order
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