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Third-party verifications for enrollment and/or degrees are processed by the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC). If a student has an unpaid financial obligation to CSUF, the verification cannot be processed until payment has been made to the university. If the student has a Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) restriction, a written consent of the student is required to release student information. 

Note: Reference record requests for Background Reviews, Police Department and/or Subpoenas are provided by Risk Management and Compliance, College Park - CP 770. The requestor may submit the request and documentation by fax to (714) 459-7022. 

Students have two options to obtain a verification: 

  • The National Student Clearinghouse through the CSUF Student Homepage.
  • Office of the Registrar in Langsdorf Hall - LH 114 or by email

Through National Student Clearinghouse (NSC)

  • Convenient 24/7 access through the CSUF Student Homepage. 
  • Select the "Student Clearinghouse" tile on your Student Homepage. 
  • Service is FREE.
  • Current Enrollment semester verification only
    • Enrollment dates 
    • Enrollment status

Through the Office of the Registrar

  • Complete the Verification Request form. Signature is required. 
  • Payment will be charged to the student's account through their Student Homepage. 
    • $10 per letter/form. 
    • Students have two weeks to pay the fee. 
  • Verifications available to students: 
    1. Pre-Registration Enrollment Sample
      1. Prior to the first day of the semester. 
    2. Current Enrollment
      1. Semester has started. 
    3. Good Student Discount 
    4. Previous CSUF Enrollment 
    5. Military ID Letter
    6. Non-Attendance Letter Sample
    7. CSUF Degree
      1. Degree must be awarded on academic record. 
    8. International VOE and VNT
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