Withdrawals versus Drops
Students who are not attending a class in which they are enrolled are required to take action to drop or withdraw from the class. Failure to do so will result in a failing (F or WU) being recorded on the student's academic record. Students must understand that the University will not automatically remove them from a class for non-payment of fees or for non-attendance.
Responsibility lies with the student to adjust their enrollment by the specified deadlines to avoid charges or to be eligible for a full or pro-rated refund. For a full refund, students must drop all classes before the first day of the session. After the session begins, dropping or withdrawing from classses will result in pro-rated fees being charged based on the date of the action.
Dropping Classes
Students may drop classes through their Student Homepage by mini census without receiving a W grade during Spring and Fall semesters without instructor or departmental approval. Mini census is a count of student enrollments on the eleventh day of instruction of the fall or spring semester, not including weekends or holidays.
Students should be aware of potential impacts on tuition and financial aid award.
The dropped class(es) will not be included on their academic record and units will not count towards the 18-unit Undergraduate Withdrawal Limit.
Refer to the calendar deadlines for Winter and Summer sessions.
Withdrawing Classes
Students may withdraw classes starting Week 3 through Week 15 during Spring and Fall semesters by submitting a withdrawal request. A W grade is assigned to class(es).
Students should consider the consequences and consult with an academic advisor before withdrawing, as it may affect progress towards degree requirements, future course enrollment, tuition, and financial aid award.
The withdrawn class(es) will be included on their academic record and units will count towards the 18-unit Undergraduate Withdrawal Limit.
Students may elect to submit a Medical Withdrawal or Non-Medical Withdrawal request. Both withdrawal requests require documentation to support the student's statement.
Refer to the calendar deadlines for Winter and Summer sessions.